
指南者留學 2022-04-15 08:13:48





專業(yè)英文名: Pre-Master’s (International Relations)

學   制:1.00 年

學   費:人文社會科學



領   域:人文社會科學



英國諾丁漢特倫特大學國際關系碩士預科國際關系碩士預科教授給學生領域的基礎知識和實用技能,通過國際關系碩士預科學術模塊的學習,學生的研究、論文寫作、陳述和分析等學術技能將得到開發(fā)。通過國際關系碩士預科主題模塊的學習,學生將掌握所選領域的基礎知識,有助于對領域更深入的認識。然后學生可以注重特定主題和技能的學習。英國諾丁漢特倫特大學國際關系碩士預科國際關系碩士預科學制為一年。 Pre-Master’s course structure Academic skills modules As a Pre-Master’s student, you will develop advanced academic skills including research, essay writing, presentation and analysis. Subject modules You will develop knowledge of your chosen area of study so that you have an advanced level of understanding. You will then focus on the particular topics and skills needed to excel in your postgraduate degree at the Nottingham Trent University. courses that are currently available to overseas students. The course is to prepare students for entry into the prestigious Nottingham Law School. The school has trained more legal professionals than anywhere else in the UK, and is renowned for the high standard of education that students receive on their law courses. Postgraduate Law studies – the perfect preparation Intense and innovative, the Pre-Master’s in Legal Studies stands out from other law courses because it enhances and builds on the student’s existing studies and experience. The course gives graduate students access to postgraduate higher education through integrated academic studies in Law, advanced level English skills and higher level UK study skills. Subject outline The course is made up of the following: Core modules Core modules teach the academic skills necessary for undertaking postgraduate study at Nottingham Trent University. Core subject modules These modules cover the basic legal knowledge that prepares the student for more advanced studies. Law modules Law subject modules cover advanced skills and knowledge, building on previous studies. For those students who need extra help with developing their English skills, English Language tuition is also available. Study at Nottingham Trent University Our courses give students a fantastic chance to progress to p


英國諾丁漢特倫特大學國際關系碩士預科課程入學要求: 學術要求:具有三年大專學位; 或具有同等學歷。 語言要求:雅思總分不低于5.5,各單科不低于5. requires you to have completed three years in higher education. 5.5 with no less than 5.0 in any skill 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學國際關系碩士預科課程申請材料: 畢業(yè)證、學位證掃描件或在讀證明;


英國諾丁漢特倫特大學國際關系碩士預科課程設置: 技能學習1、2和3、語言研究2和3 *、社會科學原則、研究設計和批判、英語,歐洲和國際法概論、研究項目。 Skills for Study 1, 2 and 3 Language for Study 2 and 3* Social Science Principles Research Design and Critique Introduction to English, European and International Law Research P


英國諾丁漢特倫特大學國際關系碩士預科就業(yè)方向: 國際關系研究員、時事評論員、政治家、外交與外事、非營利組織、政府顧問、國際組織、國際貿(mào)易、新聞出版業(yè)、雜志報紙等。

諾丁漢特倫特大學 國際關系碩士預科



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